I appear to have encounted a rather strange bug with Samsung Plasma TVs. Mine is/was a 40" screen with 3 HDMI inputs and 1 VGA input.
If you connect a computer up to the VGA screen, it seems that this causes problems. The HDMI inputs all suddenly develop a red hue/tint. Composite inputs are fine, as is the VGA input. This problems manifests after a few minutes - maybe 15 or so in my experience.
There are a number of posts on the web which I'll detail later.
Regrettable, this is the SECOND one of these screens from Samsung/Currys. The first developed a top to bottom red pixel line after 3 months. It took over 28 days to get this replaced. So in the first few months of ownership we were without it for 1 month. Getting the refund from Currys was not easy, nor was the whole support experience pleasant. One part of the company won't listen to another and I ended up with the store phone in one hand, my mobile in the other and getting the store staff to talk to their own customer service staff by passing phones backwards and forwards. Somewhat foolishly, I accepted the replacement rather than a refund. (Well, to be accurate the replacement was after a refund since there was some reason why a direct replacement couldn't happen... beaucracy, policy, I forget which).
9 months later the VGA/HDMI problem appears. I research this like the good little geek I am and find a whole bunch of people with the same problem. I tell Currys this and they pretty much disregard this as far as I can tell since they take the screen back and return in 10 days later with the main board replaced, despite my having advised them that this mainboard was in fact the REASON for the fault in the first place and replacing it would not help.
Lo and behold...
The problem reoccured within 20 minutes.
Different laptop this time, different operating system.
And of course the chaps who delivered it couldn't take it back. I did ask before I tested it if they would mind waiting so that if there was a fault it could be taken directly back... No. It needs to be rebooked. *sigh*
Back on the phone to Currys to report the fault as not resolved. A few days ater it is collected once more...
...more to follow...